Evidence Archive

Changing Your Lifestyle – What Does it Really Take?

Searching the web, you’ll find a lot of information about 21-day

American College of Lifestyle Medicine Conference (2014)

October 19th -22nd in San Diego Summary by Rajiv Misquitta, M.D.

Low Carb Diets and Mortality – Two Cohort Studies

Low carb or Atkins style meat-based diets are quite popular in

Vegetarian and Vegan Diets Promote Weight Loss

Authors Berkow and Barnard reviewed 87 studies in the literature regarding

Dr. Misquitta Addresses Controversy Between Low-Carb and Low-Fat Diets

(Please click ‘like’ on the left column if you found this

Three Case Reports on the Effects of Plant-Based Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease

Three compelling case reports are presented by Dr. Esselstyn and Dr.

A Way to Reverse Coronary Artery Disease

In 1985 Dr. Esselystyn followed a cohort of patients with documented

Lifestyle Changes and the Reversal of Coronary Heart Disease

This was the first randomized control trial done to see if

Beans linked to increased survival in older adults

Food For Habits in Later Life study A multinational dietary study

Nutritional Update

  This article is comprehensive and extremely well written.  It was
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